Saturday, April 30, 2011

USC Trojans Tennis

By brother goes to USC and plays on the tennis team there. Him and the team were coming down close to wear we live for a tennis tournament and came over for dinner, and so my brother ask me to make them a cake. I just got an edible ink printer and i LOVE it! It works SOOO well!:)  
Devils Food with Chocolate 

Tuesday, March 1, 2011


For my Mom who I love to death! I don't know what I would do without you, Happy Birthday Mommy!    ♥♥♥♥♥                                                                   
 First time making a bow...worked pretty well!
 Close up
Vanilla Cake and Buttercream


Happy birthday Barbara! 
Hershey Chocolate Cake and Buttercream 

Super Kyle

I made this cake for my trainer, kyle. He brought it to the gym where he works and everyone who works there had some. The next day when I came in everyone was telling me how amazing it was and how they wanted me to make them a cake! Someone even asked my trainer if i would be interested in making his wedding cake! He said wedding cakes are so expensive and don't taste nearly as good as mine did. He said he is even going to pay be $200 to make it for him. I'm so excited!!
Devils Food Cake with Cream Cheese Frosting

貮零弌弌 (2011)

Happy New Year!
Red Velvet Cake and Cream Cheese Frosting


 I was in Colorado when i made this cake. What's better then to make a snowflake cake when its pounding down with snow during the Christmas Holidays. 

Vanilla Cake and Oreo Filling


I made this for my brother just before he left for spain to go to a tennis academy. His favorite soccer team is Arsenal Football Club and i made the crest. 
Vanilla Cake and Buttercream Frosting


 When I made this I didn't really know where I was going with it...didn't end up being my favorite looking cake of the ones I've made but it tasted great!

Vanilla Cake and Cream Cheese Frosting


This is the first cake i ever made using fondant. It was a rainy summer day and I wanted to try something new with my baking!                                              
 I had so much fun working with the fondant that the first thing i did when i woke up was headed straight for the kitchen to add on to the cake. I thought it ended up looking a lot better the second day!
Confetti Cake and Cream Cheese Frosting 

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